Worms: US Army Heliport AHP

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
CoordinatesN493948 E0082110 ca. (WGS84) Google Maps
Elevation 300 ft
Location indicatorEDOM (-1995), ETOM (1995-)
Germany during the Cold War Map
The history of the Cold War airfields: Worms

Location of airfield

The heliport was located ca. 3.5 km north-northwest of Worms city center, in todays industrial estate I/4 west of Mainzer Straße.

Usage during the Cold War

US Army helipad.

Use today


Current State

The former site is completely over-built.


Numbers in the military phone networks of the US Armed Forces:
1960s: Worms Military (218) 8941 oder 8177
1970s: Military 2421-8234
1980s: Military 2421-7570, 7806, 8234, 7234
1980s: ETS 383-7570, 7806, 8234, 7234
1990s: DSN 383-7601, 7806, 7808, 7809
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